The concept of bicycle gear ratios has been around since the early days of cycling. The first bicycles had a single gear, but as the sport of cycling evolved, so did the need for different gearing options. In the early 1900s, bicycles began to be equipped with multiple gears. This allowed cyclists to choose the right gear for the terrain they were riding on. For example, a cyclist riding uphill would need a lower gear than a cyclist riding on flat terrain.

In the 1950s, the derailleur was invented. This allowed cyclists to change gears quickly and easily without having to stop. The derailleur is still the most common type of gear system used on bicycles today.

The Different Types of Bicycle Gear Ratios

There are two main types of bicycle gear ratios: single-speed and multi-speed.

  • Single-speed bicycles have only one gear. This type of bicycle is simple and easy to maintain, but it is not very versatile. Single-speed bicycles are best suited for riding on flat terrain;
  • Multi-speed bicycles have multiple gears. This type of bicycle is more versatile than a single-speed bicycle and can be used for riding on a variety of terrain. Multi-speed bicycles are the most common type of bicycle used today.

The bicycle gear ratios calculator is a tool that can be used to find the ideal gearing for your bike, based on your preferred cadence and the type of riding you will be doing.

To use the calculator, you will need to know the following information:

  • The size of your bike wheel;
  • The width of your tires;
  • Your preferred cadence (the number of revolutions your pedals make per minute);
  • The number of teeth on your chainrings and cassette.

The calculator will then calculate the gear ratio for each combination of chainrings and cassette. The gear ratio is the number of teeth on the chainring divided by the number of teeth on the cassette.

A higher gear ratio means that you will have to pedal faster to maintain a given speed. A lower gear ratio means that you can pedal slower and still maintain the same speed. The ideal gear ratio for you will depend on your preferred cadence and the type of riding you will be doing. For example, if you are riding uphill, you will need a lower gear ratio so that you can pedal slowly and maintain a good cadence. If you are riding downhill, you can use a higher gear ratio to pedal faster.

How to Find Your Chainring and Cassette Sizes

The chainrings are located on the right side of your bike, by the crank arm where your pedal is attached. The size of your chainrings is usually printed on the chainring itself.

The cassette sizes are usually engraved on the outer side (right side) of each of your rear sprockets. The numbers are small and a bit hard to see, especially if your cassette is old or dirty.

You don’t have to find all of the small numbers, thankfully, at least if you’ve never modified your cassette. You only need the smallest and the biggest sprocket sizes, and how many sprockets there are.

Why Use This Calculator?

The bicycle gear ratios calculator is a useful tool for cyclists of all levels. It can help you find the ideal gearing for your bike, which can improve your efficiency and comfort while riding.

The calculator can also be used to help you plan your rides. For example, if you know that you will be riding uphill, you can use the calculator to find the gear ratio that will allow you to maintain a good cadence.

How to Calculate Your Bike Speed

The speed of your bike can be calculated using the following formula:

  • Speed = Wheel circumference × Gear ratio × RPM


  • Wheel circumference is the distance traveled by one revolution of the wheel;
  • RPM is the number of revolutions per minute of the pedals.

The wheel circumference can be calculated using the following formula:

  • Wheel circumference = (Rim diameter + Tire width) × pi


  • Rim diameter is the diameter of the wheel rim;
  • Tire width is the width of the tires;
  • pi is the mathematical constant pi (approximately equal to 3.14).

The gear ratio can be calculated using the following formula:

  • Gear ratio = Chainring teeth / Cassette teeth

The RPM, or revolutions per minute, of a bicycle can be measured using a cadence sensor or by counting the number of revolutions of the pedals in a given time period. A cadence sensor is a small device that attaches to the crankset or pedals of a bicycle. It uses a magnet and sensor to measure the number of revolutions of the pedals. The cadence sensor can then be connected to a bike computer or other device to display the RPM.

To count the number of revolutions of the pedals, you will need a stopwatch or timer. Start the stopwatch or timer and count the number of times the pedals complete one revolution in one minute. The RPM is then the number of revolutions divided by the time in minutes.

man in shorts riding a bike in the green forest on the road with yellow strip

The ideal RPM for cycling will vary depending on the individual cyclist’s fitness level, riding style, and the terrain they are riding on. However, a good starting point is to aim for an RPM of 80-95.

A higher RPM means that you are pedaling faster, while a lower RPM means that you are pedaling slower. A higher RPM can help you to maintain a good cadence, which can improve your efficiency and comfort while riding. However, a higher RPM can also put more strain on your knees.

A lower RPM can help to reduce the strain on your knees, but it can also make it more difficult to maintain a good cadence. It is important to find the RPM that works best for you and your individual needs.

The Importance of Cadence

Cadence is the number of revolutions your pedals make per minute. It is important to maintain a good cadence when riding, as this can help to improve your efficiency and comfort. A good cadence for most cyclists is between 80 and 95 RPM.

How to Find Your Ideal Gearing

To find your ideal gearing, you can use the following steps:

  1. Identify the type of riding you will be doing;
  2. Determine your preferred cadence;
  3. Find the gear ratio that will allow you to maintain your preferred cadence for the type of riding you will be doing.

For example, if you will be riding uphill, you will need a lower gear ratio so that you can pedal slowly and maintain a good cadence. If you will be riding downhill, you can use a higher gear ratio to pedal faster.


The bicycle gear ratios calculator is a useful tool for cyclists of all levels. It can help you find the ideal gearing for your bike, which can improve your efficiency and comfort while riding. The calculator can also be used to help you plan your rides.

In addition to the above, here are some other things to keep in mind when using the bicycle gear ratios calculator:

  • The calculator is only a guide. The actual gearing that you need will vary depending on your individual strength, fitness, and riding style;
  • You may need to experiment with different gearing combinations to find what works best for you;
  • The calculator does not take into account the weight of your bike or the wind resistance. These factors can also affect your gearing needs.

If you are not sure how to use the bicycle gear ratios calculator, or if you have any questions, you can consult with a bike mechanic or a cycling coach. Here are some additional tips for finding the ideal gearing for your bike:

  • Consider the terrain you will be riding on. If you will be riding mostly on flat terrain, you will need a different gearing than if you will be riding mostly on hills;
  • Consider your fitness level. If you are a beginner cyclist, you will need a different gearing than if you are an experienced cyclist;
  • Consider your riding style. If you prefer to ride fast, you will need a different gearing than if you prefer to ride leisurely.

With a little experimentation, you will be able to find the ideal gearing for your bike and enjoy your rides more than ever.
