As an avid cyclist, the irksome occurrence of your bicycle’s chain emitting those aggravating squeaks, sharp squeals, and stubbornly refusing to transition seamlessly during an extended journey can undoubtedly prove exasperating. Fortunately, the solution to this predicament lies within a straightforward application of chain lubricant, effortlessly remedying the issue. Yet, what recourse remains when you find yourself devoid of this essential lubricating agent?

Thankfully, a plethora of alternatives present themselves, negating the need for protracted waiting periods and swiftly rekindling the momentum of our bicycles. In the discourse that follows, I shall unveil a compendium of commendable alternatives to conventional bike chain lubricants, poised to reinstate the fluidity of your gears. While these may not inherently parallel the caliber of premium bike chain lubricants, their merit lies in their efficacy during critical junctures, augmented by their ubiquitous accessibility.

Essential Chain Lubrication for Extended Bicycle Journeys

1. The Significance of Carrying Chain Lube

Ensuring the longevity and optimal performance of a bicycle chain during extended rides requires routine maintenance and, importantly, regular lubrication. One key practice every rider should adopt is to carry a compact bottle of chain lube. Specifically, a 5- or 10-ml bottle equipped with an eye dropper is an excellent choice. Such a small quantity, especially if using wet lube, usually suffices to maintain the chain’s efficiency throughout the journey.

2. Advantages of an Eye Dropper Bottle

The choice of an eye dropper plastic bottle is not arbitrary. Its design facilitates precision in applying the lubricant, preventing wastage and ensuring that the right amount reaches the chain links. This ensures that every part of the chain gets adequately lubricated, leading to smoother rides and longer chain life.

3. Prioritizing Bicycle Chain Lube

While there are a myriad of lubricants available in the market, it’s recommended to use one specifically designed for bicycles, such as a quality bicycle chain lube. These products are formulated keeping in mind the unique requirements of a bicycle chain, offering optimal friction reduction and protection against wear and tear.

4. Emergency Alternatives for Chain Lubrication

It’s also wise to be prepared for unforeseen circumstances. In the rare event of running out of the specialized chain lube during a ride, there are several alternative methods to ensure the chain doesn’t get stuck or wear out prematurely. A list of emergency alternatives has been curated for such situations. These makeshift solutions can be sourced from common household items or easily found in stores along the route. Although not as efficient as dedicated chain lubes, they can certainly prove helpful in a bind.

Comprehensive Guide to Emergency Bike Chain Lube Alternatives

It’s essential to understand that the solutions provided below are merely temporary fixes for an unforeseen predicament with your bike chain. They may not offer the optimum performance of specialized bicycle chain lubricants, but they will help in a pinch. Once you return home, it’s critical to clean and properly lubricate the drivetrain to ensure optimal functionality and longevity.

1. Cooking Oil or Cooking Spray:

  • Availability: Cooking oil, derived primarily from plants, is a commonplace item in kitchens worldwide, be it homes, shops, or eateries;
  • Application: The viscosity of cooking oil makes it suitable for short-term bike chain lubrication. On the other hand, cooking sprays are relatively thinner, demanding more frequent application;
  • Precautions: Direct the spray away from disc brake rotors to avoid affecting braking efficiency.

2. WD-40:

  • Availability: This popular product is found in numerous homes, stores, and garages due to its multifunctional nature;
  • Properties: Primarily recognized as a degreaser or cleaner, WD-40 does possess minimal lubricating properties. It can offer some relief to a squeaky chain but should not be relied upon as a long-term lubricant.

3. Three-in-one oil:

  • Performance: Surprisingly, some evaluations by independent bike lube analysts have showcased three-in-one oil’s capability to surpass certain commercial lubricants in areas like speed enhancement, power retention, and durability;
  • Application: This multi-purpose oil can serve as a viable backup lubricant in unexpected situations.

4. Hair Clipper Oil:

  • Availability: Passing by a hair salon or barbershop might present an opportunity to obtain this oil;
  • Properties: A lightweight oil, hair clipper oil would require multiple applications over short intervals. However, in a dire situation, an ample application could enable you to cover distances of up to 50 km;
  • Interaction: It’s a fun idea to consider the barber’s reaction when you borrow hair clipper oil for your bike chain. However, always ask politely and explain the situation.

5. Vaseline or Petroleum Jelly:

  • Properties: This thick, greasy substance can act as a temporary lubricant for the bike chain;
  • Downsides: Its adhesive nature can accumulate dirt and grit, making subsequent cleaning a tedious task. The dense consistency might impact the cycling speed, so those keen on maintaining momentum should use it sparingly.

6. Chainsaw Oil: The Guardian Against Corrosion

Chainsaw oil stands out as a pinnacle of lubrication science. Created with a fully synthetic base, this oil boasts longevity and a stalwart shield against rust and corrosion. It’s essential to strike a balance in its application; too much can inadvertently act like a dirt magnet, which, in turn, speeds up the wear and tear of the chainsaw’s chain.

7. Motor Oil: The Bicycle Chain’s Temporary Friend

While motor oil, commonly referred to as engine oil, is engineered primarily for motor vehicles, it can be repurposed for bicycle chain lubrication in a pinch. However, caution is key: motor oils typically possess a thicker consistency and acidic properties. Although useful as a makeshift solution, prolonged exposure can harm the finer, more sensitive components of a bicycle due to these characteristics.

8. Butter and Margarine: An Emergency Rescuer

Ubiquitously found in kitchens worldwide, both butter and margarine are rich in oils and fats. When faced with a lubrication crisis, they can be applied to bicycle chains, albeit with limitations. In their solid state, they fail to permeate the inner crevices of chain rollers. And, after their emergency application, it’s imperative to thoroughly cleanse the drivetrain upon returning home.

9. Liquid Dishwashing Soap: Silence the Squeak, With Care

Liquid dishwashing soap can be a surprising remedy for a noisy bicycle chain. It can act as a temporary lubricator to quieten those irksome squeaks. However, there’s a caveat: in damp conditions, it may wash away existing lubrication, exacerbating the noise and potentially causing more harm than good.

10. Chapstick and Lip Balm: A Smoother Ride in a Pinch

Many chapsticks and lip balms contain petroleum-based ingredients, akin to petroleum jelly. These can be decent backup lubricators for bicycle chains. In times of need, an entire stick or pot might need to be expended, but the payoff is a quieter and smoother ride.

11. Bug Spray: Dual Functionality with Limitations

Certain bug sprays incorporate oil or petroleum distillates in their formula. When applied to bicycle chains, they can foster smoother movement. However, their short-lived nature due to quick evaporation means frequent reapplications are necessary. The silver lining? Bicyclists might benefit from a chain that remains bug-resistant!

12. Candle and Paraffin Wax: The Clean Waxing Alternative

For cyclists who veer away from traditional lubes and lean towards chain waxing, candles or paraffin wax emerge as prime emergency substitutes. Unlike liquid alternatives, these provide a cleaner solution, preventing dirt accumulation. However, the waxing process, especially the melting phase, is time-intensive, making it an impractical choice during competitive events or races.

Remember, these alternatives are makeshift solutions. Upon reaching your destination, revert to using dedicated bike chain lubricants for optimal performance and durability.

The Importance of Prioritizing Authentic Bicycle Chain Lubricants

Bicycle chains are an integral component of a bike’s mobility and function. Just as vehicles need the right kind of oil for optimal performance, bicycles require specially designed lubricants to ensure smooth operation. Resorting to makeshift lubricants can be tempting in unforeseen circumstances, but it’s crucial to understand the ramifications of doing so.

Close up of bikechain

1. Purpose-built Efficiency:

Bicycle chain lubes are formulated with specific ingredients tailored to address the unique demands of bicycle chains. They provide optimal friction reduction, rust protection, and long-lasting lubrication. Alternative lubricants may not offer the same efficacy, making it imperative to stick to products meant for bike chains. When in the vicinity of a bike store, it’s always recommended to procure a genuine bike chain lubricant.

2. Potential for Premature Wear:

Relying on substitute lubricants isn’t just a temporary compromise; it could be detrimental in the long term. These alternatives often lack the properties required to offer optimal protection. As a result, the chain and sprockets can wear out prematurely. Furthermore, some makeshift lubes have a tendency to attract more grime and dirt into the chain rollers. This accumulation creates excess friction, accelerating the wear and tear on the chain.

3. Risk to Drivetrain Components:

The drivetrain, a critical component of the bicycle, can be adversely affected by the prolonged use of unsuitable lubricants. Some alternative oils and greases might contain compounds that corrode or degrade the drivetrain components, leading to their malfunction or failure. In the long run, this could translate to hefty replacement and repair costs.

4. Impact on Performance:

A bicycle’s shifting mechanism is finely tuned and requires precise operation. Using off-brand or makeshift lubricants could adversely affect this synchronization, resulting in less precise and more cumbersome gear shifts. Moreover, heavier oils or unsuitable lubricants can reduce the overall efficiency of the drivetrain, potentially slowing down the cyclist and diminishing the riding experience.


In conclusion, exploring alternative options for bike chain lubrication opens up a realm of possibilities beyond traditional lubricants. This article delved into various substitutes, ranging from household items like vegetable oil and wax to specialized motorcycle chain lubes and ceramic-based solutions. Each alternative presents its own set of advantages and limitations.
